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A Beginning Blog on Co-Teaching

By Wendy Murawski posted 07-25-2013 11:53

I have been doing a lot of traveling and consulting on co-teaching in the last ten years. I keep getting the same questions, comments, remarks, frustrations, and excitements. I regularly get to see so many teachers who are doing amazing things in a co-taught, inclusive classroom. I am able to provide strategies with teachers who become motivated to take them back to the classroom and use them with kids. I know that there are thousands of teachers, administrators, parents and students out there who are struggling with doing co-teaching effectively and with understanding strategies for improving inclusive practices. Based on all of this information, I have decided to start blogging about what I see in schools, what I hear are continued struggles, and about tips I can provide for best practice. More importantly, a blog is a way for an individual to express her own opinion about a this is a place for me to vent, to cheer, to complain, to encourage, and just to say how I FEEL about where we are going as a field related to co-teaching. Be prepared - I may throw in some personal information and issues. I will try not to give the names of any individual teacher, team, school, or district. But I will share my feelings, thoughts, and ideas. So join me on this trip and feel free to agree or disagree as we go along.

Thanks for reading.  Wendy



11-22-2014 00:47

Oh I found it, thanks to google :)

11-22-2014 00:46

Wendy, I'd be interested in following your blog. What is the address for it?