
Career Development and Tranistion Programs - PSE and Transition A True Alliance for Young Adults Entering College

By Maurice Williams posted 08-21-2013 10:36

College Career Development and Transition Programs or PSE's are all beginning their fall semesters of inclusion of students with intellectual and develomental disabilities in the ranks of entering college freshmen.  It is important that we all take a moment to remember one inclusionary fact, first time freshmenship is always a fun crazy moment in the life of a freshmen.  So, PSE's let's not deprive our freshmens of this milestone in their college experience. Allow your freshmen to get in the crazy mix of freshmen week and feel many of the frustrations of learning where things are on campus and enjoy the enthusiasm that comes with exploring the whole new world of College. This is how we in higher education allow students to begin the learning process of independence.
